Membership Chair
Angela Hartman, OTD, OTR/L
Angela Hartman earned her Bachelor’s Degree in psychology from Carthage College in Kenosha, WI and her OTD from Washington University in St. Louis, MO prior to moving to the Washington, DC area. She currently works as a contract occupational therapist with MedTrust, LLC assigned to the TBI/Neuro Team at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. She enjoys working with clients with neurological diagnoses, especially traumatic brain injury, in
Advocacy Chair
Delvin Champagne, MSHE, CHES, COTA/L

Communications Chair
Megan Mahaffey MOT, OTR/L, BCPR, ATP

Megan Mahaffey has a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Louisiana State University and a Master of Occupational Therapy from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. She is a Senior Occupational Therapist at MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital working primarily with patients with spinal cord injury and in pediatrics. She is an assistive technology professional (ATP) and has presented at several national conferences on assistive technology and spinal cord injury. Additionally, she is an adjunct professor at Trinity Washington University.
Nominations Chair
Konah Bernard MS, OTR/L, BCTMB
Konah Bernard is the former president of the District of Columbia Occupational Therapy Association serving from 2013-2019. Bernard earned a Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy in 2008, Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Body Work in 2009 and a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy in 2006. A native of Liberia West Africa, Bernard has a strong interest in Global Health Research and the Impact of Occupational Therapy in Third World Countries. She published and presented her ground breaking field research Kpoto, K., Banks, F.M., Jackson, and S. Dennis, R.H. 2008. “Rehabilitation Post Civil War: Experience of Adult Males with Upper Extremity Amputations in Liberia. National Medical Association Conference Journal: 2008. She was inducted into the Pi Theta Epsilon honor society for occupational therapy 2008 and has been a key note speaker at several academic events. She is the first lady of Jesus way International Ministries located in Baltimore Maryland; a devoted wife and mother of three. She has a passion for fostering professional development, global networking and diversity in meeting society’s occupational needs.