"Workplace violence has become an alarming phenomenon worldwide. Health sector personnel are particularly at risk of violence in their workplace. Current figures represent only the tip of the iceberg… (World Health Organization 2008)
The Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of Alberta, with an Occupational Health and Safety Innovation and Engagement grant from Alberta Labour, is building a workplace violence educational resource website.
The website is specifically about and for occupational therapists (OTs) and OT students. An important part of this work is gathering information about OTs’ and OT students experiences of workplace violence. To do this we are using the World Health Organization’s survey tool – Workplace Violence in the Health Sector.
Your opinion and experiences matter- please participate in the OT Violence in the workplace survey .
The survey is completely anonymous and neither the researchers (Cary Brown, Professor, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta and Annette Rivard, OT, PhD, project co-ordinator), nor anyone else, will be able to identify individual participants. There are no risks to you by participating in the survey. You can skip questions if you prefer to not answer all of them and you can exit the survey at any time prior to clicking the submit button at the end. Because the survey is anonymous we cannot remove your data after you submit your survey responses.
Your completing the survey is interpreted as consent to participate. You can quit the survey at any point by closing your browser. The survey responses will be used to help us build the most useful educational resource website for occupational therapists and students. The findings will be shared with OTs through a short report and a formal report may also be published or presented in a forum relevant to therapists.
If you have any questions you can contact Cary Brown (cary.brown@ualberta.ca or phone 780-492-9545).
Please click here to access the survey (http://fluidsurveys.com/surveys/cary-R/workplace-violence/) or use this QR code