DCOTA and AARP National Day of Service Project
Come Join OT's form all over DC in the Community on the National Day of Service: September 11!
What: Teams of Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants and Students will provide HomeFit screens to at risk elders in the community!
When: September 11, 2013, The National Day of Service, Anytime between 9 am and 2 pm! It should take no longer than 2 hours of your time. You have the flexibility to schedule appointments anytime between 10 and 2!
Deadline: Sign up online BY AUGUST 31!
Training: There will be a 1 hour webinar training for questions, comments and general information on Sept 5 at 6 pm.
DCOTA is excited to partner with AARP, Howard University, Trinity Washington University and Living at Home Consultations to host a national day of service.
If you are interested, please fill out the registration form and we will get back to you ASAP! More details are below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email Jeremy Furniss at
This is an outstanding opportunity to get occupational therapy into the community and to collaborate with OT and OTA students to demonstrate the valuable services that occupational therapy can provide while helping people in need!
Upon registration, you will be contacted by a representative from DCOTA to answer questions and follow up. Please make sure you provide your preferred email address.
Seabury Resources for Aging is currently identifying elders in Wards 4-5 who would benefit from a Home Fit screen and who would be receptive to having an OT come by for a visit! For more information on Seabury, please visit www.seaburyresources.org
We will NOT be conducting evaluations, but will review the HomeFit guide and program with the community members. The HomeFit program is well-established and executed in the community by volunteers all over the country!
The first week of September
All volunteers will be provided with 2-3 persons to contact and schedule at convenient times for the volunteer on Sept 11.
Also, the first week of September DCOTA will host a webinar to answer any questions and go over the Home Fit guide. The webinar is not mandatory, but can be a resource for any questions!
September 10
The OT will confirm appointments and then will call back on Sept 10 to remind the community member of the appointment on Sept 11.
September 11
Seabury will be open to volunteers starting at 9 am. DCOTA will have someone at Seabury throughout the day to answer questions.
Your team can meet at Seabury or can meet in the community at the first community member's home. Your team may return to Seabury after the visits or may call in to provide report on how your visits went!
Lunch will be provided at Seabury for all volunteers courtesy of AARP!
Home Fit is a national wide community based educational program created by AOTA and AARP. You can see the Home Fit guide by visiting
Read more about HomeFit on AARP's website here:
Read about AARP and AOTA at AOTA's website here:
RSVP or email us with questions today! What a great way to give back to the community!